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发布日期:2018年01月07日 20:35 点击数:


句全,男,毕业于华南理工大学自动化系,获得工学学士学位(BEng)。先后在英国约克大学获得电子学研究型硕士学位(MSc by reseach)和计算机科学专业博士学位(Phd)。目前于willhill官方网站就任讲师,主要研究方向是计算机图像识别技术,内容包括三维人脸识别、神经网络、模式识别以及人工智能等。


[1] Quan Ju, Hierarchical 3D Face Alignment Based On Region Segmentation,Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Volume 7, Number 10, pages:231-238 ,June 15, 2012,EI检索:20122715208354
[2] Quan Ju,Accurate 3D Nose Tip Localization Using Orientation Invariant Surface Descriptor,International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications Volume 6, Number 10, pages:144-152 ,June 15, 2012,EI检索:20122615185636
[3]   Quan Ju, Simon O'Keefe and Jim Austin, Binary neural network based 3D facial feature localization. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp.1462-1469, 2009.EI检索:20094712475604
[4]   Quan Ju, Simon O'Keefe, Autumatic 3D facial feature localization and face alignment using binary neural network. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop:Community Based 3D content And Its Applications In Mobile Internet Environments, 2009.
[5]“Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease using evolutionary algorithms”,  Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Volume 8, Number 4, p433-447, December 2007 (EI检索)
[6]“The Application of Evolutionary Algorithms towards the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease”,GECCO Workshop on Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation in MedGEC 2006

